Monday, September 7, 2015

what causes acna worse

what causes the worse acne?
when you shocked suddenly in  morning seeing upon your face in mirror there is no other reason other than acne in your face. what causes it, do you people think about it and try to find the solution for this problem probably not. most of you did not able to find the answer dont worry i am here to help you.
     the main cause of most of the acne is oily skin do you have question like why my skin is so oily then my friends,there is no other cause having oily food in diet more carbohydrate foods will increase the oil production in your face its  actually not oil its sebum.the secretion gland under your skin layer its protect you from sunlight,bacterias,dust,uv rays and becoming dry.but it make sevier effect in our face more sebum production means the more oily your skin makes in more pron to acne
  2. poor diet
    having more fat and carbohydrates food in your daily routine diet will cause you many serious problem other than acne obesity  it will make you bulge and reduce your self confidence and pave the way to many more dangerous diseases it also increase the sebum level and make acne worst.  
  3. hormonal imbalance
    the main cause of cystic acne the hormonal imbalance it cause due to our unhealthy life style more production of testosterone in male oestrogen for female are the cause for acne.
  4. stress
    the stress can also lead to breakouts the stress came few months back also make breakouts so keep calm and control your mind get fresh air relax your self stress hormones also make to fall your hair.
  5. liver
    the inability of liver to remove toxin in your body and also used hormone make your skin skin infected and more this cause the acne scare take long time to heal even after acne disapper diagonise liver will help you to improve your liver efficiency.
  6. environment
    where and how you are living is the major question and ans to this question will tell you the truth about your health.
  7. family background
    if your family members had acne in there teen age more likely you also get may be not by your parents but there parents had it and passing by heridity.
  8. teen age
    most of the people suffer acne in there teen age and its the age for you entering in adult hood many hormonal and body changes occure if  you going to touch,pinch,scrub your pimple you get more scare make your fare spoil by yourself due to hormonal change many teens suffer hair fall also if it untreated things will gone worst.
  9. sunlight explosion
    if you work outside more exposure to sunlight it contain infrared and uv rays.uv rays is cause more damage to skin and in worst case it cause cancer using of sunscreen is advisable.  
  10. heavy exercise & sleepless nights
    one of the main cause of breakouts is sleepless your body must get rest it not a machine to work without rest it must have rest.every 15tn minuets of sound sleep repairs  the muscles scratch due to exercise or any physical mental activities.the good sleep make you fresh release  from stress  and make you health researchers found that sleeping in day time between 2pm to 4pm make your skin healthy.

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